Advertising Principles & Practices || Final Project

November 27, 2017

23/05/2017 - 19/06/2017
Week 8 - Week 12

Beatrix Leong Yi Wen
Advertising Principles & Practice
Final Project: Advertising Campaign


 Final Project & Portfolio 40%

The Brief
Advertising Campaign (Part 2): Art Direction

Duration of Assignment
5 Weeks (Briefing on Week 7)

Week 12 (12 June 2017)

The student now has the task of developing an Advertising Campaign – a total of 5 ads across
different/same media – for The Design School @Taylor’s University. Utilising the insights
researched (Project 1), the ideas developed (Exercises), and the determined media strategy
(Project 2), execute a well art directed, crafted, creative advertising campaign that maintains the
mood, tone and most importantly conveys the ad message (USP/SMP) consistently throughout the
different/same media. Create an advertising campaign that is on message, on target and makes a
lasting impact, visually and emotionally.

In the advertising campaign, the focus is on the students ability to translate the creative idea into
concepts that are well art directed and crafted, taking into consideration the target audience,
media, competitor strategies and the socio-cultural factors.

The brand: The Design School @Taylor’s University
The product: The Design School (See figure 1.)
SMP/USP: Nurturing The Hybrid Designer Of The Future.
Target Audience: Gen Y.

The student must document their progress in their eportfolio and the A4 hardcopy portfolio. The
final results must be printed out for the A4 hardcopy portfolio, and the Adobe PDF and JPEGs of
the final artworks must be uploaded to your eportfolio. Ensure all aspects of your journey in this
process is documented – failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, etc.

1. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research,
printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the
A4 Clear Sheet folder. The works must be labelled and dated.
2. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research,
printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the
eportfolio for the duration of the project in one post and for the duration of the course in a
separate post as instructed in class.
3. Softcopy of the artworks (Ads and simulations) uploaded unto the eportfolio for the
purpose of viewing.
4. All PDF files (artworks) uploaded unto Google Drive and link provided in the eportfolio.
Ensure all folders are labelled or named appropriately.

1. To develop students ability to ideate effectively.
2. To develop students ability to synthesise knowledge.
3. To develop students ability to gain and utilise insight for effective advertising
4. To develop students ability to create and execute an effective ad. message.
5. To develop students ability to determine a media mix based on analysis.

For my final project, the direction of it is somewhat different from what I implied in my Project 1 and Project 2 as I changed my concept to incorporate references to popular movies and pop culture to appeal to Gen Y such as Alice in Wonderland, Matrix, Inception and Cinderella, and weaving in hybrid either through the line or within the visual concept itself. I sketched out some legs ideas and went on to digitalise it.



Initial visuals:

Mr Vinod was not pleased with these visuals and asked me to rework them.

First attempt posters:

Poster simulation

Poster simulation

First attempt Facebook simulation:
Facebook simulation

Facebook simulation

Facebook simulation

First attempt Instagram simulations:
Instagram simulation

Instagram simulation

Instagram simulation
Mr Vinod asked me to make some changes to my illustrations which he assisted me in. I also had to adjust some of the taglines a little, and the layout.

Final posters and poster simulations: 
(Dimensions: A1)



Poster simulation

Poster simulation

Final Facebook simulations:
(Dimensions: 1200 x 628 px)

Facebook simulation

Facebook simulation

Facebook simulation

Final Instagram simulations:
(Dimensions: 640 x 640 px)

Instagram simulation 
Instagram simulations

Imstagram simulations


Week 9:
The formatting of my blog still needs to be worked on as there are still some minor errors. The legs I made for the "eyes" concept are not working elegantly to show hybrid so I need try again with a different cconcept. Mr Vinod advised me to come up with legs for the rabbit and clock Alice idea.

Week 10:
My visuals are lacking in quality and look too simplistic. I need to add more shadows and lines to make my visuals of a higher standard. However the legs are fine.


Advertising has been a very challenging experience for me in general. It has been pretty difficult to push myself to come up with taglines that really convey the meaning and message of hybrid effectively, I feel I really struggled with this. It was an interesting experience carrying out this advertising campaign though, but personally I feel I wouldn't want to be working in advertising in the future as I am not suited to it.

I feel like the workload for this module, along with other modules, is actually very heavy. At times, it often seems unmanageable and uncompletable unless I don’t sleep (which does happen) as there are just too many assignments to cope with.

I observed that a lot of people including me struggle with coming up with a suitable tagline that can incorporate the "hybrid" idea. While the "hybrid designer" concept is interesting to some extent it is quite challenging to work with and oftentimes I feel it doesn't make sense. I observed that it is important to have good crafting skills (Illustrator, layouts etc) so that your idea can come through well.

I find that after learning and immersing myself in the world of advertising this semester, I am now very critical as well as observant when it comes to seeing advertisements around me. I find myself either admiring good advertisements or critiquing lousy ones that I see around me, and I notice that my classmates do the same.

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