Advertising Principles & Practices: Exercises
November 02, 2017Lectures
No Lecture || Week 1, 08/09/2017
No class.Lecture 1 || Week 2, 08/09/2017
During our first week back to university, we began this course with a brief introduction to the concept of advertising. We learnt that the word "advertise" comes from the Latin word "advertere" which has two meanings combined into one. "Ad" mean "to" and "verte" means "turn to". This phrase originated from ancient markets in the Latin world where traders would call out "advertere!" to encourage passerby's to "turn to" them and purchase their goods- this is the very birth of advertising.
We were also introduced to the concept advertising is a tool of marketing, whereas marketing is a tool of business where advertising seeks to make aware, persuade, communicate or create an image/brand for product or service.
A brand creates a perception of what the company stands for- its what you can see, what is tangible. Image refers to the perception you have in your head.
We also learnt about William Bembach's 10 principles of advertising which are:
1) Essence of product
2) Make product an actor, not prop
3) Art and copy = intergrate (visuals and graphics should support and enhance each other)
4) Advertising must have personality
5) No gimmicks
6) Tell the truth
7) Relevance
8) Simplicity
9) Stand out
Forum Questions:
Q: In your view- based on what you have heard and discussed – is advertising relevant today?
A: Yes, advertising is definitely still relevant today. The face of advertising, though, has definitely changed drastically from previous times to modern days. Previously, advertising was mainly in print ads, posters and TV. Currently, although those mediums are less popular they are still used, and there are new forms of advertising that are mainly digital in nature such as via YouTube, social media, and online.
Q: In your own words and in your opinion, what is the single most important difference between advertising and marketing.
A: Advertising is only a subset of marketing. Marketing consists of many different sectors such as customer service, sales strategy, market research, and others. Marketing is the ways you interact with consumers through sales representatives, how people feel about your product, etc, and obviously advertising itself. Advertising on its own is a message conveyed to consumers. about the goods and services offered.
Q: From the 10 principles mentioned, list 3 principles that you felt strongly about? Explain why you felt strongly about these 3 principles?
A: -Advertising must have personality (4)
I felt strongly about this principle because there are too many advertisements that are all very generic and not memorable, plus it makes their brand and product unattractive. For me, the brands that I like and remember are those that stand out and are different from the rest of the brands selling the same type of product.
-Tell the truth (6)
Personally, I detest false advertising where what is implied or promised in the advertisment is a far cry from the truth. It reflects badly on the brand as once consumers are disappointed they are unlikely to return, recommend the brand to their friends and family, or even trust the brand.
-No gimmicks (5)
I find gimmicks such as unnecessarily sexualising models to sell products that are completely unrelated to be distasteful and rather than promoting their product, it merely serves to highlight the low moral values of the company (for example, using girls to sell cars).
Lecture 2|| Week 3, 15/09/2017
In this lecture we focused a lot on the concept of creativity and its importance in the design world and advertising industry. We discussed the various definitions of creativity, some of which are:
Creativity is madness.
The use of imagination or original ideas to create something.
A great artist is but a conduit for an expression that resonates with something that is greater than him/her.
We discussed how this relates to our current assignment of creating 20 idea sketches for an advertising campaign for The Design School every week. We need to be creative and do things in a different way from others. Getting an extreme reaction is a goal we should work towards. We also need to consider what we or others would want from joining an institution.
We also learnt about how to advertise effectively we should segment the consumer market into four categories: Behaviouristic, geographic, demographic and psychographic.
In class, we studied these topics in groups and found out more about them:
Psycho-graphic segmentation
Involves dividing your market into segments based on different personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of consumers. This segmentation is advantageous because it allows you to engage in product design and marketing in a focused manner.
Eg: research by asking consumers to agree / disagree with activities, interest, and opinions statements.Chan Chia Ying, Chan, Shu Hui, Chong Yau Yi
Demographic segmentation
Demographics is the collection of data regarding a specific population. It is frequently used as a business marketing tool to determine the best way to reach customers and assess their behavior. Types of demographic information includes age, sex, income level, race, employment, location, home ownership and level of education.Leanne Faye Tan, Vicky Teo Shi Yun, Lee Gahyeong‣
Behavioral Segmentation
Behavioral segmentation is a way of classifying the behavior of a population, based on the way they respond to a product or they way they use it.
For example, during hari raya/eid companies will target those who are returning to their hometowns/kampungs. Thus, they will market things such as gifts or food items to bring back to relatives in their hometown.Kumail Toorabally, Beatrix Leong‣Geographic Segmentation.
Geographic segmentation
When a business its market research based on a specific location. Different location may be different marketing. For example, in Malaysia, we may focus on the public holidays or celebrations to market our business. Public holidays or celebrations are different in every country.Chloe, Cherine, Arif
Forum Questions:
Q: In your own words and in your opinion, what is the single most important difference between advertising and marketing.
Q: Describe creativity in your own words
A: Creativity is the ability to come up with new and original ideas and use innovation to make unexpected creations from a limited use of materials. Creativity is art combined with inspired ideas.
Q: Is Marketing Evil?
A: Marketing can definitely be used as a tool of evil by corporations. Marketing often is used by brands and corporations for their own selfish means; to generate more sales for themselves without thought of the consequences to society. This often has negative impacts on consumers and instills in them unhealthy ideals. For example, brands marketing often convinces people they need to have an excessive amount of branded goods (cars, shoes, clothes, etc) in order to he happy and successful. This can cause people to resort to excessive consumerism for those who can afford it, and low self esteem for those who cannot.
Q: In your own words and in your opinion, what is the single most important difference between advertising and marketing.
A: Advertising is only a subset of marketing. Marketing consists of many different sectors such as customer service, sales strategy, market research, and others. Marketing is the ways you interact with consumers through sales representatives, how people feel about your product, etc, and obviously advertising itself. Advertising on its own is a message conveyed to consumers. about the goods and services offered.
Holiday || Week 4, 15/09/2017
No class.Forum Questions:
Q: We have come to understand that Advertising is a paid form of communication and persuasion. If Publicity is free form of communication and persuasion, wouldn't it make sense for Marketing to use a free tool like publicity to communicate and persuade rather than Advertising?
A: Advertising is when money has to be used in order to generate awareness about something through means such as video advertisements, posters, brochures, leaflets, etc. Publicity is free- it is when there is much talk and buzz about something. It makes sense to use publicity alongside advertising, but they must go hand in hand. Advertising can generate publicity but it is hard for publicity to generate itself without advertising.
Lecture 3|| Week 5, 22/09/2017
In this lecture, we learnt about art direction. We learnt about the roles of an art director- which mainly is to determine the style, vision and direction of a design project or brief. They determine the tone and direction of a project through the type of text, imagery, illustrations and colours used, and will work closely with designers and illustrators to ensure this process. An art director will ensure the message is clearly conveyed from the client to the audience.We also went through the various scopes of an art director's job. In the end, we were intoduced to the concept that advertising is not art- it is actually communication, and using art to communicate; because in the end good communication is art.
Forum Questions:
Q: Is there a difference between a creative director and an Art Director? Do both occupations share any similarities?
A: Yes, there is a difference between creative directors and art directors. Creative directors are more senior than art directors. Creative directors have to take on more roles and duties such as working with clients, but art directors have to be more on the side of assisting the design process directly. Creative directors have more say in the big decisions than art directors. However, they both work together on steering the direction of the brand/design.
Lecture 4|| Week 5, 29/09/2017
In this lecture, we submitted our Project 1. This lecture was slightly different because Kumail and Cherine presented the lecture instead of Mr Vinod. In the lecture, they presented to us the different laws and regulations on advertisments in Malaysia, but in reality most advertisments don't follow the rules because they are stupid such as not allowed to show armpits.
Forum Questions:
Q: A free-market economy is based on informed consumers making rational choices. However, Noam Chomsky alleges that Advertising (& Marketing) creates “uninformed consumers who will make irrational choices…”
Q: A free-market economy is based on informed consumers making rational choices. However, Noam Chomsky alleges that Advertising (& Marketing) creates “uninformed consumers who will make irrational choices…”
Now, where do you stand on this argument?
A: A free market economy is supposed to refer to the economic system in most "democratic" countries such as Malaysia, UK and Malaysia. Consumers are supposed to have a free choice of the goods and services available, have many to choose from, and be well informed about what the products/services contain of or can offer them.
However, this is only in theory. In reality, the situation is not so idyllic. Advertising and marketing often bends the truth. For example, regular cars in car advertisements are shown as being driven like race cars. This is obviously unrealistic and a misinterpretation of the product.
Thus, many consumers are misinformed hence NOT informed, especially those with poor education, the very young, or the very old as they may not have the means and mindset to think for themselves and discern truth from lies.
In addition, many advertisements play on peoples' feelings and insecurities such as fashion brands or dieting companies portraying photoshopped models with unrealistic beauty standards. This can stir up peoples' insecurities and cause them to make irrational decisions such as buy the products advertised to make themselves feel better, or begin to starve themselves and develop eating disorders and low self esteem.
Therefore, many consumers will not be able to make rational decisions, especially youths and children who can be more impressionable and susceptible to peer pressure and pressures of societal standards.
To sum it up, I agree with the statement to the most of the extent; however there is a sector of the population who are critical minded enough to be able to question what advertising and marketing tells us, thus do their own research and make informed decisions of their own.
Exercises (25%)The Brief
Idea Sketches
Duration of Assignment 8 Weeks (Briefing on Week 1)
This exercise spans 8 weeks. The student is given a Brand and a USP/SMP (Unique Selling Point/Single Minded Proposition) is identified. The student is to develop a minimum of 10 idea sketches every week—the more the merrier. The focus of the task is on the development of ideas—the Idea is king! Evaluate your ideas and select only the best. The sketches must be clean, clear and concise. While ideating you are only required to come up with the line and the visual— remember the twisted headline straight visual or vice-versa formula.
Rules for the Ideation process (or brainstorming).
1. Weird, wild, wacky and off the wall ideas are welcome.
2. Negativity is not welcome
3. Build on ideas. Don't shoot them down.
4. All ideas are welcome and respected.
5. Do not censor yourself. Just say it.
6. No interruptions from outside allowed (That includes cell phones).
7. Take a short break every hour.
To develop a minimum of 10 idea sketches every week, the student must first state the USP/SMP, develop a Mind-Map and then develop idea sketches. This process is repeated for all 8 weeks. The work is compiled chronologically in an A4 clear sheet folder and documented on the students’ eportfolio (online journal).
1. A4 Sketch papers, in an A4 Clear Sheet folder, documented logically and chronologically. The works must be labelled and dated.
2. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the eportfolio for the duration of the project in one post.
To develop students ability to ideate effectively.
Idea sketches
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Week 8 (initial legs developed from eye and egg idea from sketch above) |
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Week 8 (initial legs developed from eye and egg idea from sketch above) |
In class exercise:
Week 3:
Groupwork on researching market segmentation, answered on Facebook (I was in a group with Kumail):
Psycho-graphic segmentation
Involves dividing your market into segments based on different personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of consumers. This segmentation is advantageous because it allows you to engage in product design and marketing in a focused manner.
Eg: research by asking consumers to agree / disagree with activities, interest, and opinions statements.Chan Chia Ying, Chan, Shu Hui, Chong Yau Yi
Involves dividing your market into segments based on different personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of consumers. This segmentation is advantageous because it allows you to engage in product design and marketing in a focused manner.
Eg: research by asking consumers to agree / disagree with activities, interest, and opinions statements.Chan Chia Ying, Chan, Shu Hui, Chong Yau Yi
Demographic segmentation
Demographics is the collection of data regarding a specific population. It is frequently used as a business marketing tool to determine the best way to reach customers and assess their behavior. Types of demographic information includes age, sex, income level, race, employment, location, home ownership and level of education.Leanne Faye Tan, Vicky Teo Shi Yun, Lee Gahyeong‣
Demographics is the collection of data regarding a specific population. It is frequently used as a business marketing tool to determine the best way to reach customers and assess their behavior. Types of demographic information includes age, sex, income level, race, employment, location, home ownership and level of education.Leanne Faye Tan, Vicky Teo Shi Yun, Lee Gahyeong‣
Behavioral Segmentation
Behavioral segmentation is a way of classifying the behavior of a population, based on the way they respond to a product or they way they use it.
For example, during hari raya/eid companies will target those who are returning to their hometowns/kampungs. Thus, they will market things such as gifts or food items to bring back to relatives in their hometown.Kumail Toorabally, Beatrix Leong‣Geographic Segmentation.
Geographic segmentation is when a business its market research based on a specific location. Different location may be different marketing. For example, in Malaysia, we may focus on the public holidays or celebrations to market our business. Public holidays or celebrations are different in every country.Chloe, Cherine, Arif
We were also required to make an advertisement for Scotch tape. So, to highlight the many uses of Scotch tape and its strength, we depicted scotch tape used to apprehend a burglar and tape him to the wall, with the caption "Extraordinary uses".
Behavioral segmentation is a way of classifying the behavior of a population, based on the way they respond to a product or they way they use it.
For example, during hari raya/eid companies will target those who are returning to their hometowns/kampungs. Thus, they will market things such as gifts or food items to bring back to relatives in their hometown.Kumail Toorabally, Beatrix Leong‣Geographic Segmentation.
Geographic segmentation is when a business its market research based on a specific location. Different location may be different marketing. For example, in Malaysia, we may focus on the public holidays or celebrations to market our business. Public holidays or celebrations are different in every country.Chloe, Cherine, Arif
Week 4:
Ad campaign
We has to look at some ad campaigns and indentify the following:
2. Creative Idea
3. Strategy
4. Ad Elements
Reflect on the strengths and weakness of the Ad. Campaigns (not more than 300 words).Select one of the Ad campaigns and come up with an alternate and more effective idea.
The SMP/USP is “Itu adalah rogol”.
2) Creative idea
Using a real situation of domestic abuse and sexual assault.
3) Strategy
Using shock and guilt as a tactic.
4) Ad elements
Visual, tagline, contact methods, border, name of organisation.
strengths: shocking and eye catching. Applies to real life.
Weakness: Applies only to female victims. Only targets Malays
Dairy Champ campaign:
The SMP/USP is “Teh tarik berbuih hebat” which is Malay for “Teh Tarik with great foam” and also “Mahkota untuk ais kacang”.
2) Creative idea
The creative idea of this advertisement is using a celebrity’s head combined with the cup of teh tarik and his afro becomes the foam, this signifies to the audience that using this Dairy Champ creamer creates “special” and voluminous foam for the teh tarik. Another celebrity’s head is used as the image of the ais kacang.
3) Strategy
The strategy used in this advertisement is humour. The advertisement also uses a shocking and unexpected image to attract the audience’s eye.
4) Ad elements
Tagline, border, visual elements, logo, product picture, celebrity endorsement.
Reflection (Dairy Champ):
Strengths: The advertisement is attractive, interesting, and eye-catching. It uses a celebrity to interest more people and gives the ad credibility.
Weaknesses: The celebrities used are not well known to all. The advertisement is only in Malay which makes it less accessible to all (targeted to Malays only).
Alternate idea (Dairy Champ):
For the ad using the teh tarik afro, we should make the SMP in English so it is accessible to all. Instead of using a celebrity’s head, we could keep the image as a plain teh Tarik with a cloud on top to represent the volume of the foam.
Week 6:
In one of the in class exercises, we were required to put a positive spin on a viral video that showcased a Volkswagen Beetle driving into and over a police car. We were required to make it into a gif. I was put into a group with Cherine and Yau Yi, we came up with a concept of showing a car in a signboard driving out of the signboard, with the tagline "No Boundaries".![]() |
In class exercise |
We were also required to make an advertisement for Scotch tape. So, to highlight the many uses of Scotch tape and its strength, we depicted scotch tape used to apprehend a burglar and tape him to the wall, with the caption "Extraordinary uses".
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In class exercise |
For this exercise we were split into pairs to work on it and I was with Cherine. We were tasked to make a typographical graphic of the word "food".
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Final concept |
Week 1: Holiday
Week 2:
General feedback: The market doesnt know out thoughts and ideas. No lightbulbs as they are overused. Hybrid is the main idea we need to focus on. I need to have the border and come up with my own taglines rather than only using the given hybrid tagline.Personal feedback: It's a good idea to put together things that actually work together such as the left and right side of the brain. The Venn diagram idea is interesting in concept but on the surface visually it could look boring and geeky. The mind + world idea is only hybrid to some extent.
Week 3:
General feedback: our ideas are still not connected to the concept of hybrid. Our ideas need to be able to have "legs" ie be able to be expanded into a series of campaign posters. Personal feedback: my ideas need to be more mature and I need to come up with better captions for some of my designs. In addition, I need to have 10 sketches every week instead of eight.
Week 4: Holiday
Week 5:
I focused too much on my one concept of "hybrid words"-- I should not do this because this is only what we should do once we have finalised a concept and we are exploring for "legs" . My sketches still lack the "hybrid" element slightly and should focus more on showing the concept of hybrid. Some of my sketches are interesting and have potential but I need to work on making it make more sense.
It was an interesting experience doing the in class challenges. However it was really repetitive and boring having to do the ten sketches every week on the same topic each time. It would be more interesting if we could come up with a campaign for a brand of our choice rather than be a free advertising team for Taylor's University.
I observed this occurence; which is the same for every six hour class- the hours are just simply too long that my focus and productivity drops drastically after a couple of hours and I am unable to do work properly. Also, it's pretty hard to keep coming up with usable ideas consistently, some weeks my ideas are terrible and some weeks are alright. It's helpful to have group discussions for our sketches because we can give and receive feedback and get fresh ides. I feel like some of my classmates ideas for their sketches are actually really good and so I don't understand why some of them don't have ideas chosen and finalized already when I think so many of their concepts can actually be used.
I found that the exercises were an interesting activity to do in class. I specifically enjoyed doing the forum questions as we got to explore different viewpoints and ideas and there is no right or wrong answer. Being able to write a lot was also interesting. I found the topic we are given for the sketches is quite dull and uninteresting.